Update April 20: the course also is granted IBRO support, and the application deadline has been extended to May 15, 2013.
The Belgian INCF node presents, in collaboration with its Dutch, French and Polish sister nodes, a summerschool on:
Imaging the brain at multiple scales: how to integrate multi - scale structural information?
2-6 September, Antwerp, Belgium
This five day event is aimed at both early stage (PhD) and experienced neuroscientists (postdocs, PIs) working in fields related to brain imaging or using brain imaging techniques. The course takes on a comprehensive journey through imaging techniques at millimeter, macrometer and nanometer resolutions, proceeds with how these techniques are typically applied, then expands on multi-scale data-integration and finally considers standard spaces and atlases needed to bring together results.
The course will be limited to 50 participants, register before April May 15!
See also the course home page and program (pdf).